About This Blog . . .

Welcome to DVD NEWS FLASH!

You get a list of “DVD-R” sellers, links to various boutique Cult DVD distributors, general DVD sellers, DVD/Movie News Sites, select forums, Marketplace Sellers, and the Odds & Ends. 

So, go ahead and have a look around.

Single file, don’t push, take your time.

Oh, and, guys? Try not to break anything. 

UPDATE: I no longer update this page. The only pages I do update on a regular to semi-regular basis are my review sub-sites listed below. 


My sub-sites: 

You can also find DVD News Flash on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter!


18 thoughts on “About This Blog . . .

  1. Hi,

    Great blog! Can you include our website into your “DVD Sellers” section:

    We are an online store operating out of Toronto, Canada. We focus on non-mainstream cinema such as cult classics, horror, exploitation, grindhouse and arthouse films on DVD and Blu-ray.

  2. Just thought you might like to know so you can update your column to the far right under DVD-R sites. They’re “scootermoviesshop.com” and “lovingtheclassics.com” . Not plugging them to help them sell their product but for you so may update your website. Both are very nice and well laid out sites and not bad prices to boot ! (Ha Ha tounge-in-cheek) Oh Well.


  3. Yes that’s true about loving the classics. It is some what difficult to di what for example an actor or actress stared in. If you want say all of Randolph Scott films that they have all films that had a first or last name of Scott comes up as well as all Randolph first or last names. Not just Randolph Scott and only Randolph Scott, that you wanted. Assuming that you wanted only say that person. Of course there are a few other minor glitches. But not every site is so fine in being so fine to be perfect. Unless their own computers and the personnel that setup the computer and website made that distinction.

    Thanks for the reply


  4. I love your website! It’s great that you can find so many movies and shows that I’ve forgot about over the years.I have so many dvds and blurays already but it’s always great to get more! There is so much on the market who could afford it all.keep up the good work.

  5. is this FOR REAL or is this some sick bazinga with no doubt it will have
    the ghostbusters treatment on the disc hoping that they can secure the rights
    to the pop video and probably a detailed book about the film as well but it will
    go like hot cakes as they get released on sale and for high priced units as well.

    frankie (love rock) smales

    smales tv uk

  6. This new re-release of FRIGHT NIGHT is actually happening. Twilight Times decided to take some of their fastest sell outs and re-issue them next year. They’re also re-releasing CHRISTINE and JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. One other, too, they have yet to reveal. But don’t look for a re-issue of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1990). They took too much flack over that transfer and don’t want to go through that again. Sony is really to blame, since TT doesn’t mess with transfers, or anything else. They’re just a distributor and take the masters they are given.

    Give this a listen to (http://geeknation.com/podcasts/killer-pov-ep-77-its-twilight-time/). It’s the latest interview with Nick Redman, who co-runs Twilight Time. He talks about what he thinks happened with NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and so much more.

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